A: Hi Corky, glad to see your Askablogr Q&A activity picking up, and thanks for the question. We've also noticed that our Q&A are creating conversational 'dead ends' and have been noodling on the best way to address that. My current 'hack' for this problem is to include a link in the current post to any previous post(s) it refers to, but that's admittedly not the most elegant solution. Another option we've discussed is to create a "threading" feature allowing readers to post follow-on questions to their original question, with all the related posts presented together. We haven't come up with a clean way to do that yet, but it's an option we like. The final approach we've discussed is to add a comment system similar to the one found on your blog platform, but that's just recreating one of the problems we're trying to solve (i.e., conversation via comment instead of up in the posts themselves).
Your question has increased our focus on this problem, and Craig and I will take a fresh look at alternative approaches when we meet this week. Thanks for bringing it up, and don't be surprised if I circle back to get your feedback on what we're thinking about.