Monday, April 7, 2008

Member Question: Threaded Conversations in Askablogr?

Q: It seems people are using Askablogr to ask follow-up questions to their original question to keep the dialog going. Is there a way to post the related question as a question on the post in my blog?
Asked by Corky

A: Hi Corky, glad to see your Askablogr Q&A activity picking up, and thanks for the question. We've also noticed that our Q&A are creating conversational 'dead ends' and have been noodling on the best way to address that. My current 'hack' for this problem is to include a link in the current post to any previous post(s) it refers to, but that's admittedly not the most elegant solution. Another option we've discussed is to create a "threading" feature allowing readers to post follow-on questions to their original question, with all the related posts presented together. We haven't come up with a clean way to do that yet, but it's an option we like. The final approach we've discussed is to add a comment system similar to the one found on your blog platform, but that's just recreating one of the problems we're trying to solve (i.e., conversation via comment instead of up in the posts themselves).

Your question has increased our focus on this problem, and Craig and I will take a fresh look at alternative approaches when we meet this week. Thanks for bringing it up, and don't be surprised if I circle back to get your feedback on what we're thinking about.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Member Question: Do We Support Multiple Blogs In One Profile?

Q: Can I have more than one blog added in my profile?
Asked by Catus Lee

A: Hi Cactus, welcome to Askablogr. I'm replying via my Askablogr account as a demo to show you how I've handled this. Right now, we don't support multiple blogs under a single member ID. Because I maintain two blogs - my personal one and the Askablogr product blog, I created two different member accounts, that route questions to two different email addresses.

I'd be interested to hear from other members if this is a popular request. If so, we'll add it to the feature request list and tackle it in a future release. Again, thanks for the question and welcome to the community. 

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More Testing: Anonymous Q&A Autopost to Blog

Q: Craig believes he's worked out the issues with auto-post of anonymous questions. I'm asking another anonymous one to verify that's the case.
Asked by Askablogr QA

A: When I post this answer, here's what I expect to see:

  • An answer confirmation screen that includes links to the Q&A on Askablogr, and on the Askablogr blog
  • The Q&A should be inserted as a post on the Askablogr blog
  • That insert should include a footer link to ask another question, so readers who consume the posts via feed reader see the option to ask questions.
Let's see how this goes...
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