Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Open Startup: Askablogr Lets Down a New Member

Q: Chris just asked me a question, but when I published my answer I got a "We're sorry," page. So I tried again with the same result, but the answer also appears to be published twice now.

Posted by Amanda Nicole

A: Hi Amanda - I'm very sorry that your first time trying Askablogr was such a disappointing one. All software has bugs, but user-impacting bugs are the worst. When the first experience a new user has with your application is a negative one, it can be very hard to rebuild the trust and enthusiasm they showed by signing up for your service.

Askablogr may still be an "alpha" (meaing pre-ship or prototype) service, but since we're out there asking for signups and feedback we need to be quick to respond when a user encounters an error, to try to win back their trust and turn their negative experience into a positive one.

We've seen this same bug once before, and Craig and I thought we'd identified the root cause and fixed it. Looks like that's not the case, so it's back to the hunt for us, with our most sincere and abject apologies to you.

Thanks for giving us your time and trust in trying Askablogr - we're now in scramble mode to win your heart back!

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