Saturday, March 22, 2008

Askablogr Question: Q&A Workaround for Platforms that Disallow Javascript

Q: Using a blog that I believe strips <script> from the code. Is there a workaround?
Posted by toddwaller

A: Hi Todd, welcome to Askablogr! Not sure we have a workaround for the full script, butIf you just want to enable the ask-anwser flow, you can take the URL from the call-to-action (e.g.,, where foo is your member ID) and drop it in as a text link in your sidebar. For this to work, you need to have registered your blog via the 'full install' option.

The widget works fine in most WordPress installs that we've come across so I'm also wondering if there's just a setting you can change to enable jscript widgets? (I'm not a WP master, but will dig around a little and see what I find). 

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